Thursday, June 12, 2014

Rethinking Learning Spaces... the focus of my PD this week.

Rethinking Learning Spaces

This week I have studied alternative learning spaces, one of the seven pillars of Digital Leadership by Eric Sheninger. I'm amazed at how similar most of today's high school classes look compared to those at the turn of the 20th century. See images (a) and (b) below. 

Schools should foster creativity and learning. Simply putting smart boards at the front of classes and giving laptops to students is not enough; we must rethink the environment in which students learn. I often hear leaders at the school district I work at say, "Do what is best for our kids", and that is precisely why the old way is not good enough any more.

Image (a) A turn of the 20th century classroom

Image (b) - A current classroom

While studying this week, I've found many innovative designs for school, none more jaw dropping than Orestad High School in Copenhagen, Denmark. See images (c-e) below. 

Image (c) - the outside of the Orestad High School

Image (d) - The foyer, stair case and student lounges at Orestad

Image (e) - Orestad student lounge area

Rethinking the learning spaces, it's time to change!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! A lot of times I still see students in rows with their netbooks which is not conducive to collaboration. Look how we've been learning today as we work on our digital's collaborative.
