Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My first ed chat...

I'm excited to share ed chat with you. Yesterday, Castleberry ISD leadership participated in our first ed chat. The Twitter chat can be followed on Mondays at 3:30 CST using #cisdedchat. We discussed the following, my answers to each question are below the question:

Q1: Share with us your favorite quote about leadership.
A1: "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader". John Quincy Adams

Q2:What is the ONE technology tool/resource that you have discovered that you want used in your classrooms and why?
A2: I'd like students to use various web 2.0 tools in context with learning. The students are comfortable if done regularly.

Q3: How will you get staff to engaged in building their PLN to facilitate blended learning in the classroom?
A3: Share our PLN's with them. They will do what we do, not what we tell them to do.

Q4: What skills do digital-age leaders need to possess or acquire?
A4: Visionary Leadership.. look beyond what we are doing in schools right now.

Q5: Share the link to your blog with the group.
A5: digitalhighschool.blogspot.com 

Q6: please share your thoughts about the chat
A6: Thoughts: I liked the discussion. We covered a lot of info in a short amount of time.

Again, please plan on joining in on our chat next Monday at 3:30 pm CST.


  1. Impressed that you got all of the questions and answers! That was a fast one!

  2. Only change is the true constant in any learning endeavor.

  3. I really like the idea of blogging about our edchats. I'm going to steal this one from you! It's a great way to reflect and focus on just what you said.
